My kitten was sick! I knew exactly where to go to get her "fixed". Sabah Animal Medical Centre (SAMC) is the only best place to go!
Currently, we had 4 little beloved which we named them after few places in Korea ( all them lahir masa my family tengah in mood bercuti ke Seoul). They are Myeongdong (famous shopping street in Seoul), Hongdae (place near our guesthouse), Namsan (named after Namsan Tower) & Nami ( Naminara : a very beautiful place yang shoot drama Winter Sonata) ^^ Cool idea, huh?
My 4 little beloved at age 1 month |
4 Jan 2013
While watching TV, tiba-tiba perasan Nami bernafas dengan sangat laju and I wonder if the rest pun macam tu juga tapi yang lain-lain nampak macam biasa except her. I asked my husband to look after her. She keep standing and cannot sleep well + difficult & rapid breathing. Kesian! So kami ambik keputusan untuk tengok keadaan dia esok sebelum bawa ke klinik.
5 Jan 2013
Nami's condition getting worst.Kali ni siap tercungap-cungap bernafas melalui mulut. Kebetulan husband ada final exam hari ni so kena tunggu dia balik rumah & bring Nami to the clinic only after maghrib. Since we are not really sure until what time the clinic open, we called the owner directly via his hand phone & fortunately, the clinic open until 12PM with extra charge RM50. At the moment, we don't mind with the extra charge or what so ever. Nami perlu diselamatkan!
At the moment, we don't mind with the charge or what so ever. Nami perlu diselamatkan!
Sampai di klinik, rupanya ramai yang menunggu giliran. 'Ramai' yang sakit. Macam-macam kes~ accident, kaki terseliuh, demam, jangkitan virus etc.On night shift, only 1 doctor available. So we wait patiently. Doctor said kena buat x-ray & we bring Nami to 1st floor untuk x-ray.
Nami doing her X-Ray |
After x-ray, doktor suspect Nami kena Pneumonia a.k.a paru-paru berair sebab hasil x-ray menunjukkan paru-paru Nami dipenuhi air & itu adalah punca Nami sesak nafas. That night, Nami kena beberapa injection antibiotics & Lasix untuk keluarkan air daripada paru-paru + 'small pump' dekat dubur untuk paksa Nami berak since dah 2 hari Nami tak membuang.
Nami after got her 'small-pump'~try harder to poo. |
After that, Nami got oxygen therapy sebab dah mula tercungap-cungap bernafas dari mulut. Suhu badan Nami pun di bawah normal & doktor bantu panaskan badan Nami dengan warm water bags + OT light. Almost 3 hours there & we finally bring her home with extra advice "Jangan biar Nami sejuk kena air-con & kipas.Make sure to keep her warm". For those treatment + x-ray + extra charge it costs RM165.
Oxygen therapy using modified mineral water because she's so tiny |
Keep her warm with OT light |
6 Jan 2013
Today we bring all together Myeongdong + Hongdae + Namsan (for their 1st vaccination) + Nami (for her further treatment). The 3 little 'girls' doing very well with the vaccination (cost RM30 each) + nail cutting *for free* :) while Nami need to be admitted since her condition getting serious.
Once again, the doctor (day shift) study Nami's x-ray and found out that this is not a normal Pneumonia! She explained the x-ray in easy way so that we can understand the condition. Doktor suspect Nami kena Diaphragm Hernia juga since tak nampak lapisan diaphragm pada x-ray. Bahasa mudahnya: lapisan diaphragm terkoyak disebabkan trauma pada kucing like jatuh dari tempat tinggi or someone dah tertendang atau terpijak kucing tu. We were panic and hope that Nami only having Pneumonia instead of Diaphragm Hernia. So the doctor advised us that Nami must be hospitalized for 5 days for intensive treatment & we're agree! It will cost RM40++ a day in ward (including treatment) and another cost for food ( cost depends on how much it consume).
Doktor suspect Nami kena Diaphragm Hernia juga since tak nampak lapisan diaphragm pada x-ray. Bahasa mudahnya: lapisan diaphragm terkoyak disebabkan trauma pada kucing like jatuh dari tempat tinggi or someone dah tertendang atau terpijak kucing tu.
Tengah hari tu dapat call from the doctor that Nami need another oxygen therapy sebab condition dia agak kritikal. Lidah pun dah biru sebab kurang oksigen. That time, we was like 'bertabah' & berserah je. But really hope miracle can happen..
Her condition getting worst. |
Nami was addmited to the ward. |
7 Jan 2013
Nami's condition tak berubah. Masih sama macam day 1 dapat treatment. Masih difficult & rapidly breathing. Tak makan, cuma minum. Oxygen therapy masih diteruskan. Good news is dia dah mula kencing dengan banyak shows that air dalam paru-paru dia dah mula keluar. That was a good sign!
Nami on her 'ward'. Pity her.. |
Another oxygen therapy for Nami |
8 Jan 2013
As usual, after office hours we came to visit Nami. She looks OK with the treatment + new friends ( Uncle Becham & Uncle Oreo : we call them uncle since Nami the only kitten admitted ^^) Becham & Oreo was admitted few days earlier before Nami. Sangat manja with me! Tumpang kesian tengok kucing & anjing lain yang sakit dalam ward tu :'(
Nami dah aktif sikit & sesak nafas dah kurang walaupun masih ada. Doktor teruskan dengan Lasix supaya air dalam paru-paru Nami keluar lebih banyak. Hari ni dah boleh senyum tengok perkembangan positif Nami :)
This is Uncle Becham :) |
Pantang nampak visitor, mesti minta belai :) |
9 Jan 2013
Nami getting better. No more rapid breathing & no more oxygen therapy! We're glad that the treatment going very well. She start eating & poo. Very-very good sign! Nami pun dah aktif balik & when she saw us, dia terus bangun & minta dibelai macam tak sabar nak balik rumah! But wait, another day for treatment untuk pastikan Nami betul-betul habiskan 5 hari intensive treatment di SAMC.
Getting better. Dah boleh 'duduk' macam tu. |
10 Jan 2013
Today is the last day of Nami's intensive treatment. She's getting better & better :) Sepatutnya ambik x-ray hari ni untuk compare dengan 1st x-ray hari tu tapi the doc said, better habiskan dulu hari ke-5 ni baru ambik x-ray semula. So we'll wait for the next day. Cant wait to bring Nami home :)
Visiting time. Nami dah aktif semula :) |
11 Jan 2013
Lepas kerja bergegas ke SAMC. Doc dah ambik x-ray & alhamdulillah she's only having Pneumonia & getting better. Air kat paru-paru dah kurang and yeayy Nami discharge from ward today and my husband settle all the bills. Total up RM409!! Mula-mula budget dalam RM250+ but then end up with that ridiculous 'super-duper' costs! *pengsan sekejap* tapi tak jadi nak pengsan sebab Nami dah selamat dari critical condition. Hmm..rezeki Allah itu maha luas ^^
Best Animal Clinic in KK
If you need to find a place which will honestly care about your furry friends and treat them like their own, this is the place to go! This clinic is amazing! I am so happy I found a veterinary clinic that cares about my kitten as much as I do.I love how friendly they are every single time we visit. Their knowledge, and thorough explanations really help us pet owners understand the concern we may have. I recommended SAMC to all pet lovers out there!!
Sabah Animal Medical Centre |
Where is Sabah Animal Medical Centre?
No.4, Ground Floor,
Lorong Angsa 1,
Taman Fu Yen Phase 3,
88300 Kota Kinabalu,
Their contact number?
(O) : 088-253481
(H/P) : 019-8618348
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